Meet Brothers
Here are two ways to meet brothers:
Zoom calls!
We’ve purchased a private account on behalf of the Alumni Association and have created the following list of regular meetings so that every brother will have the opportunity to find a call to fit their schedule. (See below)
We are happy to announce our SWAP-A-STORY* program.
While assembling the Alumni Association, we noticed a theme. Largley, older Brothers believe the younger Brothers don’t want to hear their stories. Meanwhile, younger Brothers don’t believe the older Brothers want to tell them stories.
In an effort to remedy this, while we wait to see how the ‘new normal’ shakes out, we hope to set up conversations between Brothers of different generations.
These conversations will be one-on-one and give Alumni the opportunity to learn about the history of ITK. Additionally, this will be available to any Brother regardless of status within the Alumni Association.
If you are interested, email us EMAIL ADRESS.
*I know SWAP-A-STORY is the lamest possible thing,what do you think we should call it?
Pay Your Dues.
Every Monday - Thursday
Eastern :
5 PM
8 PM
Every Friday - Saturday
5 PM
8 PM
10 PM
5 PM
8 PM
Every Sunday
10 AM
1:15 PM
6 PM
10 PM
1:15 PM